2023 Data Viz Competition
Watch the finalists present their winning entries! Watch the Award Ceremony here.
Eva Omedez Domene & Ricardo Tranquilli
The Water Business
Himaja Pathapati Jayanthudu & Srikar Devulapalli
Unicorn Start Ups
Alessia Musio
Can Money Buy Happiness?
Top 5 Finalists
The Water Business
In this visualization we talk about a fundamental resource for human life: water. In many countries people drink bottled water and are discouraged from using tap water. We have decided to analyze it in an exhaustive way by analyzing the business of water sales (analysis of the most important companies, water consumption in Europe and Spain), the problems that microplastics cause to health, the environmental impact and so on.
Unicorn StartUps
This visualization allows users to view and analyze data about unicorn startups in a graphical and interactive format. This dashboard includes bubble charts, bar charts, treemaps, sunburst charts, and other types of visualizations that provide insights into the location, industry, funding, and other characteristics of unicorn startups. It can be used to track the performance of individual companies, as well as to compare and contrast different groups of companies. They can also be used to identify trends and patterns in the data, and to explore relationships between different variables. Bubble charts, tree maps, and sunburst charts were used to specifically describe metrics like valuation and geographical spread which provides an easily interpretable visual distinction.
1.) Of all the unicorn companies, approximately 75% are located in the United States, China, and India.
2.) San Francisco,New York, Beijing are the top locations in the world w.r.t number of unicorn startups present and in terms of combined valuation of the startups too.
3.) The number of companies becoming unicorn startups significantly surged (by 389%) in 2021 after the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, as depicted in the plot.
4.) There appears to be a quadratic relationship between the valuation of unicorn firms and the number of investors. As the valuation of a unicorn firm increases, the number of investors also tends to increase at an increasing rate.
1.) Of all the unicorn companies, approximately 75% are located in the United States, China, and India.
2.) San Francisco,New York, Beijing are the top locations in the world w.r.t number of unicorn startups present and in terms of combined valuation of the startups too.
3.) The number of companies becoming unicorn startups significantly surged (by 389%) in 2021 after the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, as depicted in the plot.
4.) There appears to be a quadratic relationship between the valuation of unicorn firms and the number of investors. As the valuation of a unicorn firm increases, the number of investors also tends to increase at an increasing rate.
Can Money Buy Happiness?
This is a dataviz project made to show the Life Satisfaction Value of the Top 10 Happiest and Saddest countries in the world and the relation with their Population and their GDP per capita. I took this opportunity to experiment a little bit with a different style from the one I'm used to :)
Disability Statistics
To understand the evolution page by page, we have simple visualisations at the beginning and more you progress on the dashboard more you analyze deeply the data.
The first page presents some key words to understand the dashboard and one statistic about people with disabilities (DAX measure). The goal is to give key information to understand the dashboard and with the first visualization make users wanting to go further. The map uses a mapbox visual and gives a vision of the statistic by country. The Pacific is still an area who is not well known, so this type of map tends to give viewers a better idea of the Pacific region.
On the second page, you’ll find an overview of people with disabilities by country, by sex and by degree of urbanisation. The map is a shape map based on a Json file.
On the third page I wanted to showcase the difficulty for people with disabilities to work and some key figures about employment in the disability world. One good insight is you can see a lot of workers with disabilities are own-account workers.
Throughout the Dashboard you'll also see different icons to facilitate the navigation on the Dashboard. Two buttons are based on the use of bookmarks. Some charts have dynamic titles because it allows the user to see all the filters selected and understand the figures he/she is looking at.
The first page presents some key words to understand the dashboard and one statistic about people with disabilities (DAX measure). The goal is to give key information to understand the dashboard and with the first visualization make users wanting to go further. The map uses a mapbox visual and gives a vision of the statistic by country. The Pacific is still an area who is not well known, so this type of map tends to give viewers a better idea of the Pacific region.
On the second page, you’ll find an overview of people with disabilities by country, by sex and by degree of urbanisation. The map is a shape map based on a Json file.
On the third page I wanted to showcase the difficulty for people with disabilities to work and some key figures about employment in the disability world. One good insight is you can see a lot of workers with disabilities are own-account workers.
Throughout the Dashboard you'll also see different icons to facilitate the navigation on the Dashboard. Two buttons are based on the use of bookmarks. Some charts have dynamic titles because it allows the user to see all the filters selected and understand the figures he/she is looking at.
Cargo Theft
The dashboard I have created is based on Cargo Theft from the year 2013-2021. I was curious to know if the COVID outbreak had any impact on the thefts and crimes. The trend shows that there is an increase of stolen value from the year 2019. I believe the dashboard should answer the questions 'What', 'Where', 'When', Who' and 'How'. Keeping this in mind I have created four sections : Overview (The overview of what has happened), Cargo Theft & Stolen Value (The YoY trend), About the offender (Who is the culprit), More About the offense (Where did it happen , who was the victim , how did it happen) and few insights and recommendation which I felt will be useful to reduce the theft. Some filters are also provided on the dashboard (location, state , city and year) in case any deep analysis is required.